Conference calls can be a useful tool to keep volunteers engaged. The calls can also be hard to manage and to keep people engaged. Some tools which have proved helpful:
- Send an agenda out before the meeting so all the participants can follow the meeting. Encourage participants to email their presentation or handouts ahead of the meeting.
- Limit conference calls to an hour or hour and a half.
- Select a moderator. If you are going to take minutes, ask someone other than the moderator.
- As participants call in, the moderator should ask who has joined. The moderator should keep a list of all the participants. Start the call within 3 to 5 minutes of the start time. As in face to face meetings, on-time starts will encourage on-time participation. Do not interrupt the call as each newcomers joins. Rather stop the call after 5 or 10 min to give the newcomers a chance to introduce themselves.
- Begin the meeting by reviewing the agenda and ask everyone to say their name when they speak. Explain to participants that silence will mean yes. Ask if there are any questions. In response to multiple voices, get a list of the names who wish to speak and call on them as each speaker finishes.
- The moderator should introduce each agenda item, the person who will speak and approximate time allocated for the agenda item. After the speaker has spoken ask for questions/comments. If you taking a vote or sense of the meeting, state the question -“Is there anyone who does not understand the question?” Silence means everyone understands the question. The additional clarity is very important because you have no facial cues to let you know who does not understand. The actual vote/calling of the question may require a roll-call if it is not unanimous.
- Be sensitive to time. Like face to face meetings people will leave early or at the scheduled end time. If your agenda items are taking longer than expected check in with the participants to see if they want to cut a conversation off, start a new agenda item, or agree to extend the meeting. Again, you have no visible cues to help you access what the participants are thinking so you need to ask.