Coalition of UU State Action Networks
Organizing for justice,
state by state.

Organizing for justice,
state by state.
CUUSAN is an association of Unitarian Universalist state witness, advocacy, and action organizations from Florida to Washington and Maine to California that are working to give life the shape of justice.
To support the establishment, growth, and development of Unitarian Universalist State Action Networks (SANs) and promote and advocate on behalf of SANs with our national UU partner organizations.
CUUSAN's Team consists of a volunteer Board of Directors and SAN leaders who work with the Board on CUUSAN committees, work groups, and activities.
CUUSAN's Discussion Forum is our primary vehicle for sharing information among SANs and communications between CUUSAN, our national UU justice partners, and SANs. All SAN leaders are encouraged to sign up and participate.
CUUSAN hosts video conference calls for all SANs leaders via Zoom at noon (Eastern time) on the second Wednesday of each month from September through May featuring updates from our national UU justice partners and presentations about the work that we're doing and how we're doing it.
Information about the All SANs Calls is provided to SANs via the CUUSAN Discussion Forum.
CUUSAN's annual conference and business meeting is an opportunity for SANs leaders to come together, share information, learn from each other, develop new skills, and find the inspiration and hope to do the work we're called to do.
Click here for more information about CUUSAN's past and upcoming annual conferences.
Find out more about and connect with the UU State Action Networks that are working for justice all across the US, including Arizona, California, Delaware, Florida, Illinois, Iowa, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, New Hampshire, New Jersey, North Carolina, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Texas, Virginia, and Washington.
CUUSAN offers resources, advice, and assistance to Unitarian Universalists who are interested in starting a new UU SAN in states that aren't served by an existing SAN.
CUUSAN offers a number of resources for SANs regarding organization, engaging UUs in social justice work, fundraising and grant funding, communication, social media, technology, advocacy, social action, and more.